Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Amazon's New Game Trade-in Service Will Fail?!

I have been reading up on Gamespot, and apparently found that "analysts" think that Amazon's new mail in used games trade in service will fail.

I Don't Agree

I am one who has been ripped off by gamestop on numerous occasions by their trade in system. They too think it will fail. I think that they have gotten desperate over this and want to reassure consumers. How can you reassure consumers when you gleefully take their Just Bought Yesterday "used" copy of Halo Wars, give them $3, put a "new" sticker on it, and sell it for $60. How can they do that? Do they have a soul? No, but apparently they just made a lot of money off of you.

Image Caption: Note Crackdown on the bottom right right shelf to the left. Way underappreciated. And cheap too. BUY IT!

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I don't go to game stop (and after reading the aforementioned confessions of a game store clerk article, I don't think that the clerks at least are cold hearted bastards). They do have some good prices, assuming you want to take a second mortgage out on your house, or want to wait 2 years to get COD 5. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just not one of those people. I just like to ask myself questions like "Hmmm, why is Halo 2 still $40 in 2009?".

I do however, still get some good deals on games elsewhere. I got Mercs 2 and Soul Calibur 4 for $40 at Circuit City. I feel bad for the people that didn't get there before the good games were gone, which took a few weeks. I also got N+ for PSP for a little overpriced (think $10) $15 at Best Buy. I do go over to Gamestop occasionally to pick up and armful of original Xbox gems, before I'm eventually forced to scout for them online. They're selling the there for mostly $5 a piece, and I got some good ones. And thats okay. But never trade your games in there! Reader be warned!

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